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Temple Borobudur

Borobudur is the largest temple in the world, which is one of the 7 wonders of the world is located adjacent to the northwestern city of Yogyakarta, located around 42 kilometers. Built in the eighth century, is the result of hard work and perseverance in Tunjang workers and dedication of Wanga Sailendra relatives and people in power at that time. The temple is really - really shows the greatness of the kingdom Cailendra, which seeks to describe the life history of Buddha Siddharta Gautama and explain the teachings - teachings through the carved reliefs on temple walls beautiful. From the top of the temple can be seen around the beautiful nature, Sumbing as one type of volcano in Central Java who smoke visible on the west side of stir among the clouds. This building is a heritage of our ancestors are very valuable not only Indonesia but also the nation - peoples of the world was to have participated.

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