Most Beautiful Places in Indonesia Tourism

6. Kelimutu National Park

Lake Flores
Lake three colors, that's one of the beauties presented Kelimutu National Park .. There are three adjacent Lake Flores, respectively - each colored light blue, red, and dark green. the beauty of the lake Flores so attract the tourists both domestic and foreign. The lake colors can also change from dark green to black, from blue to brown, from light green to white, etc. .. depending on the mood of the mountain Kelimutu . three lakes at Mount Kelimutu is believed by locals as the abode of the spirits of the dead man. the name of each lake is Tiwu Ata Mbupu which means lake Life People Who Died Parents, second lake named Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai or Young Life Lake-Mudi That Has Died, and the last lake named Tiwu Ata Polo or lake for the Soul humans are always doing evil.
Beautiful Places in Indonesia Tourism

7. Ujung Kulon National Park

Badul Island, one of the islands in the Ujung Kulon TN
Ujung Kulon National Park is identical to the Java rhino, it is in the Javan rhino habitat to live and breed, TN Ujung Kulon has three types of ecosystems are marine, coastal and terrestrial ecosystems. here we can see a variety of stunning natural beauty .. beaches in TN Ujung Kulon provide stunning beauty, but it also contained other interesting places such as hot springs, waterfalls, etc.. we can also enjoy the exotic underwater scenery, or rent a boat sailing by speedboat and visiting the islands in the Ujung Kulon TN.

8. Way Kambas National Park

Way Kambas elephant in TN
Way Kambas National Park is located in Lampung province, an area that was inhabited by various types of protected animals such as the Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Asian Wild Dog, Tapir, etc. .. This region is known as the African safari tour of Indonesia, we will enter a vast area of savanna and watch wild animals living in the wild in person ..

9. Derawan Island

Such as Raja Ampat, Derawan marine tourism is one of the best in the World, to eksotisan Derawan island is so famous in foreign countries .. Derawan Island Derawan Islands into the region in the province of East Kalimantan. here we can enjoy the beauty of the beach, and doing all sorts of activities such as diving, snorkeling, or just enjoying the scenery while fishing .


exotic Bunaken Marine Park
Bunaken National Park or better known as the Bunaken marine park is located in the Village Bunaken, Bunaken District, Manado. Bunaken Marine Park is one of the Most Beautiful in the World, and various species of fish and coral reefs in Bunaken Marine Park making it so beautiful .. in Bunaken we can dive, snorkeling, or sailing boat equipped using glass in the floor so that we could enjoy the underwater scenery from the boat.

Similarly, a list of 10 Most Beautiful Places in Indonesia Tourism .. in addition to the above places, in this country there are so many other beautiful places like Komodo Island, Lake Toba, Sabang, Kawah Ijen, National Park Gede-Pangrango, TN Baluran, Son Nature Reserve Krakatao, etc. .. Indonesia is so much natural beauty
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