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Climbing Mount Bromo Pasuruan, East Java

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Climbing Mount Bromo

One of the famous tourist area of ​​East Java Tourism Mount Bromo, that is often visited by local tourists who want to add his experience to climb Mount, because until today Bromo can be said to have the best terrain for beginners lovers of this sport climbing. In addition, weather and scenery offered by this mountain is also quite nice, interesting and cool, which is still active volcano is located in the Altitude at an altitude of 2,392 meters above sea level.

Said to be the active volcano mountain because it has the potential to erupt, the last course he erupted in 2011, and his usual erupts every 30 years. Bromo own name actually comes from the name of one god in Hinduism is Brahma. And if you want to know what is the interesting part of this Bromo volcano Quite a lot of that will make you want to climb the mountain again, including its weather to cool to 10-0 degrees Celsius.
Well, besides that, if you managed to climb Mount Bromo is Up to the top, then you will be presented with a view of the sea of ​​sand, dry and overgrown with little clumps which also has dried up, the wind that blows sand will make you hard to breathe, but calm, not there will be any effect after that. At the top, you can also see the beauty of the sunrise in the morning, while enjoying a cup of hot coffee and some typical regional culinary there.

Not only that, if you want to see the crater of Mount Bromo, you can climb the ladder consisting of 250 pieces of stairs, then another, if you turn your views into the crater, then you will see her amid the sea of ​​sand that there is a temple. Amazing is not it.
For those who are tired and want to go home, you can hire a horse for this active volcano down, and if not mistaken, horse rental perekornya is around Rp. 70,000, but if you prefer to walk is not a problem, it's just the way that you will travel quite heavy, not to mention the sand dust and heat of the sun which will complicate your trip.

Mount Bromo is one of the best tours of Indonesia, there is no harm in taking the time to visit this historic mountain, and we are sure you will be satisfied with its natural beauty.

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