Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and some of the most famous monuments in the world, including the pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx and the ancient temples of Luxor are thousands of years old. Although Tourist attractions in Egypt focused on the majority of tourists who still leads to a large building along the Nile, but a trip to Egypt can also enjoy through snorkeling and diving along the Red Sea coast. Other tourist attractions in Egypt that you can embed on your travel agenda is, a camel ride into the mountains of Sinai, secluded oasis tour or a visit to the Coptic monasteries of the Eastern Desert.
Travel to Egypt Nile
Travel to Egypt NileNile is a very popular way to surround the tourist attractions in Egypt. The Nile has existed in Egypt since ancient times and there is no better way to keep track of the passage of the history of Egypt to follow the history of the Nile. Almost all cruise ships Egypt traveled route that is safe, beautiful and ended up in the cities of Egypt, through the Nile. Using the ship to sail the Nile Felucca is a very fantastic adventurous choice. Felucca is a sailing ship that was used in the Nile since antiquity. Felucca ship may not be quite comfortable when compared to a luxury yacht, but nothing can beat the Felucca sailing adventure, because the vessel has been used for thousands of years ago.
Red sea Diving
Red Sea, off the coast of Egypt, is one of the tourist attractions in Egypt are the most beautiful in the world for diving attraction. Waters of the Red Sea is famous for its spectacular visibility and features some of the most exotic seascapes. With the vast expanse of coral reef, Red Sea is home to thousands of different sea creatures. Red Sea beach resorts are located on either side of the sea, on the east side and part of the Sinai peninsula was founded Resort Sharm el Sheikh and his fellow neo-hippy, Dahab. On the west coast of the Red Sea lies Resort Hurghada and some new resort.
Travel to Pyramid of Giza
Pyramid at Giza located around the periphery southwest of Cairo and is the undisputed main attraction in Egypt. Pyramid at Giza was built over a span of three generations - by Khufu, Khafre's son who ruled both, and Menkaure. Sized Pyramid of Khufu pyramid is 139 meters high (455 feet) so that the pyramid of Khufu is the largest in Egypt, although the Pyramid of Khafre seems bigger, it is because the location of the building which is located at a higher elevation.
Valey of The Kings - Egypt
Valley of the Kings near Luxor is a valley where, for nearly 500 years from the 16th century to the 11th century BC, this tomb was built for the privilege of kings and nobles of the New Kingdom. The valley contains 63 tombs and space, ranging in size from a simple pit to a complex tomb with over 120 rooms. Royal tombs are decorated with carvings of Egyptian mythology and give instructions to the beliefs and rituals of burial period. All the tombs in the tourist attractions in Egypt seems to have been opened and robbed in antiquity except for the famous tomb of Tutankhamun.
Karnak Although it looks destroyed, several sites in Egypt is still very impressive at Karnak. Tourist attractions in Egypt is the largest ancient religious site ever built, and the combined achievement of many generations of Egyptian builders. Temple of Karnak is actually composed of three main temples, smaller enclosed temples, and several outer temples located approximately 2.5 kilometers north of Luxor. One of the most famous structures of Karnak is the Hypostyle Hall, room area of 5,000 m2 (50,000 square feet) with 134 huge columns are arranged in 16 rows.
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